01384 456789

01384 456789

Unit 24 Izons Industrial Estate, Oldbury Road, West Bromwich B70 9BY

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Property Overview

Rent:£25,500 per annum exclusive
Type:Industrial / Warehouse
Tenure:To Let

Portal framed unit on popular estate with C.C.T.V.

Contact:Matthew Pearcey - 07764 269803

Detailed Information


The premises are located on the Izons Industrial Estate, off Oldbury Road, West Bromwich.

Junctions 1 and 2 of the M5 Motorway lie within approximately 3 miles.


A workshop/warehouse unit of steel portal framed construction with full height brick walls surmounted by a pitched, lined corrugated asbestos roof with filon roof lights.  Height to underside of the haunch - 4.4 m (14'6'') approx

Separate male female toilets are provided together with two small offices. Vehicular access is via a roller shutter door.


5,062 sq.ft. (470 sq.m.) approx (Gross Internal Area).

Rating Assessment

Rateable Value: £19,250.

U.B.R. 51.2p in the £ (2024/2025).


All mains services are connected.

Lease Terms

The premises are offered with the benefit of a new lease for a term to be agreed. The Tenant will be responsible for all repairs and the insurance premium as arranged by the landlord. The rent will be subject to review at three yearly intervals.

Service Charge

The premises will be subject to a service charge covering C.C.T.V. and the repair/maintenance of the Estate's common areas etc.


£25,500 per annum exclusive.


V.A.T. will be levied on the rent.

Energy Performance Certificate

EPC rating - D.


Strictly via the Sole Letting Agents, Sellers - 01384 456789.

Matthew Pearcey - 07764 269803


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