01384 456789

01384 456789

Unit 41 Wellington Industrial Estate, Bean Road, Coseley WV14 9EE

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Property Overview

Rent:£38,900 per annum exclusive
Type:Industrial / Warehouse
Tenure:To Let

New lease available for a unit to be refurbished.

Contact:Matthew Pearcey - 07764 269803

Detailed Information


The estate is located just off the A4123 Birmingham New Road within 5 miles of Junction 2 M5.  Wolverhampton and Birmingham City Centres are within 5 and 10 miles respectively.


The unit is of block construction under a pitched truss roof.  The unit is due to be reclad in profile sheet cladding both on the roof and side elevations with integrated translucent roof lights.  The unit benefits from a height to truss of 6m approximately and accessed via two roller shutter doors, one of which being beneath a canopy.  The unit also benefits from a 3 tonne crane.

Externally there are approximately 10 car parking spaces.

Accommodation (Gross Internal Area) approx.

6,472 sq.ft (601 sq.m) approx.


3 tonne crane.

Lease Terms

The unit is available with the benefit of a new lease on a full repairing and insuring basis for a term to be agreed.

The lease will incorporate a service charge to cover the manned security, CCTV and the repair and maintenance of all common areas.


£38,900 per annum exclusive.


V.A.T. will be levied on the rent.

Rating Assessment

Rateable Value: £19,250

U.B.R. 51.2p in the £ (2023/2024)


We understand that mains services are available.  Electricity is purchased from the estate.

Fixtures and Fittings

All usual tenants fixtures and fittings and those not mentioned in these particulars are expressly excluded from the letting.  The Agents have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and so cannot verify they are in working order or fit for purpose.  The tenant is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor.

Energy Performance Certificate

EPC Rating - C (66)

Legal Costs

Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.


Strictly via the Joint Agents

Sellers Chartered Surveyors - 01384 456789
Matthew Pearcey - 07764 269803
Email: matthewpearcey@sellers-surveyors.co.uk


Bulleys - 0121 544 2121

Max Shelley - 07881 948 908

Lewis Giles - 07779 994 141

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MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967: Sellers for itself and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that the particulars are a general outline only for the guidance of indending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute an offer of contract. All descriptions and any other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of them. No employee of Sellers has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property